Emergency Plumbing Clears My Clogged Toilet

Emergency Plumbing Clears My Clogged Toilet

You know what they say about men and directions, right? We can be pretty stubborn. We can be totally lost, yet refuse to ask for help even when we’ve been running around in circles. Once upon a time, driving around town as a cool young dude in my new Mustang. I felt like a real hot shot with my girlfriend at the time in the passenger seat! That is, until the tire popped and we had to pull over. I think I just stood there with the spare tire, staring at my car confused and trying to mask my embarrassment. My ex laughed it off and handled it.

Now before anyone gets mad at me, I know that the gals can do anything guys can—just as well, if not better! But at the time, I felt like there were a few things that a dude like me was expected to be able to do.

So why do I bring up this memory? Well I’ve been back on the dating scene recently and things have been going pretty well with someone I deeply cherish and value. I invited her over for an elaborate, romantic dinner at my place. 

But a few days before the dinner, I realized that my toilet was clogged. I suddenly remembered how I felt as a young man with the popped tire. “Oh boy,” I thought. Was history bound to repeat itself as a smelly, pungent mess? There was no way I could let that happen. But what exactly was I supposed to do? I had no plumbing experience and there wasn’t enough time to let my pride get in the way of asking for help

So, I did what any wise man would do: I swallowed my pride and called a professional. I called a ​​San Diego plumber that specializes in plumbing emergencies. When California Plumbing arrived, they got right down to inspecting the situation and explained that generally clogs are removed with either an auger, or with a water-powered method, hydro jetting. Hydro jetting blasts high-pressure water through the pipes without chemicals, and it’s a process that is known to be both effective and environmentally friendly.

Long story short, the plumbing technician cleared out my toilet clog, and I couldn’t have done it myself! Now if you’re wondering why I didn’t just use a plunger or pour some drain cleaner down there, I have some more backstories to share. One of my worst memories was trying to unclog a toilet with a plunger, only for that to backfire on me. I won’t describe that any further. As for drain cleaner, I’ve heard some pretty scary stuff about those chemicals. The thing is, whether you use a plunger or drain cleaner, there’s a risk that you haven’t removed the whole bulk of the clog, as gross as that sounds. Sometimes you can try those DIY methods, only for the clog to come back because in actuality, it was never fully removed in the first place. 

California Plumbing
455 Willowcrest Way, Chula Vista, CA 91910

A New Leaf From A  Biodynamic Italian Farm

A New Leaf From A Biodynamic Italian Farm

I used to live like there was no tomorrow. Now, I live like there was no yesterday. Let go of past mistakes and do better; “hakuna matata”. 

After stepping away from the stage, I spent a few years wishing I had done some things differently…specifically, to my body. But then I realized, what is the point of beating yourself up over things you can’t change? Or remember? As far as I’m aware, apparently, plenty of nights used to involve questionable choices—but hey, I blame it on my youth! Back in those days, my bandmates and I really knew how to party. 

I wish I had understood that “health is wealth” in my younger days of rock and roll, but it’s never too late to become the person you want to be. Before you say that I’m full of fertilizer, if a regular old dude like me is choosing kombucha over whiskey, I’m willing to bet that anyone can break old bad habits. 

I called up an old bandmate of mine who had patched up a lot of gaps with nutrients from eating plants. “Dude, it’s all in the gut,” he said. I was recommended olive oil for these dishes—real and undiluted. It had to be organic, cold pressed, and extra virgin. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was drinking blueberry kale collagen smoothies in the morning, and eating Mediterranean chicken salads for lunch.

I never knew I could enjoy healthy food until I tried Shayna’s Kitchen Italian olive oil. It was like being teleported to an olive grove in Italy, it was everything I was looking for in a high quality olive oil. 

If I had used my keen senses wisely back in the day instead of indulging in my vices, who knows what could have been! Maybe a retired rockstar turned rockstar homecook. Virtues and vices alike, it’s all about the source. If your supplier is mixing stuff together, chances are they’re simply trying to make a bigger buck at your expense. A lot of these so-called olive oils on shelves aren’t exactly what their labels say they are. 

I guess you could call me an olive oil connoisseur, but here’s the thing—my days of endlessly searching for the next best thing are long gone. I think I’ve already found the best thing out there from a biodynamic organic olive farm, meaning that all parts of the farm, from livestock to crops, all work together and help each other grow and flourish. Olive trees need fertile soil to become rich in polyphenols with antioxidant powers to help your body fight inflammation, which my doctor says too much of wreaks havoc on the body.

I used to wake up with headaches and stomach aches every morning. What could I expect after years of kidney- and self-destruction? It’s never too late to start taking care of your body. Discover olive oil and biodynamic farming at Shayna’s Kitchen.

Shayna’s Kitchen
Casella postale, 46, 06073 Chiugiana PG, Italy

Rocking The Work Life With System 2 Office Cubicles

Rocking The Work Life With System 2 Office Cubicles

Hey again Rockers! Some of you may remember my son, who had a lot to say about appeal of working from home. Well, as industries worldwide make great strides in recovering from the health crisis that sort of sounds like “panini”, whether or not workers should return to offices has become a hot-button topic. I am happily retired and I don’t have a horse in this race. That said, after talking with my son, I found the arguments for and against the different work arrangements fascinating. Let’s take a bit of a dive into the pros and cons of each option.

Picture this: rolling out of bed, grabbing a cup of coffee, and settling in at your home office (or falling back into your couch). What once seemed like an absurd way to work has now become the reality for many—and a method that is preferred in magnitudes.

Working from home means no long morning commutes, which is great for you and the environment. It also offers the ultimate freedom and flexibility: no dress code or colleagues—just you and your work. While I never joined the rat race myself, I can definitely understand the appeal of working from home.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The lines between work and personal life can blur, leading to longer hours and burnout. Additionally, working from home isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation: some people may find the lack of social interaction stifling. My friend, for example, thrives in the collaborative atmosphere of a bustling workplace.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from this conversation is that different people thrive differently in their work and lives. At the end of the day, it’s about finding the right setup for you, even if that means sticking to traditional office habits despite what’s cool or trendy in the post-panini world. One unique advantage of working remotely is that you can design your office autonomously. 

So, how can you get the same distraction-free experience in the office as you would alone at home? The importance of a well-designed workspace cannot be overstated. For those of you in or around Irvine like myself, Creative Office Design offers some of the best Office Furniture in Orange County. Their System 2 office cubicles allow for customizable layouts, with high-quality materials made of over many different fabrics. They are also quick to ship and easy to set up! Creative Office Design’s commitment to quality and innovation gives you the tools to really elevate the way you work at the office.

I hope this post has inspired you to kickstart a relatively easy and low-cost office revamp. It’s important to evolve and upgrade your work environment as the world constantly changes. 

For offices of any size, I always turn to Creative Office Designs. I have found the best used and new office furniture in their showroom and warehouse in Orange County. Their office furniture experts will help you find what you need at a price you’ll love.

Creative Office Design

Organic Orange County Pest Control Removes Kitchen Termites

Organic Orange County Pest Control Removes Kitchen Termites

The other day I walked into my kitchen with a pep in my step, humming a nice riff, and then suddenly, the sight of my old wooden table gave me a flashback to a rather scary incident. I thought I’d reminisce and jog down memory lane.

I remember the incident as clear as day. I’m embarrassed to admit that I jumped out of my skin when I first saw them—the critters. I’ve never been great with bugs. They give me the heebie-jeebies! But once my shock subsided, I had a little chuckle at myself, and that’s when the real horror of the situation dawned on me: where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Those little buggers were signs of real termite damage somewhere in mi casa.

You may wonder why I was so scared of just a few bugs, but as it turns out, termites are a nightmare. There are a few different types including subterranean, which usually dwells beneath the house, and dry wood, which, you guessed it, thrives in dry wood.

These relentless invaders feast on cellulose found in wood and plants, essentially eating away at your home. The consequences include structural damage, which renders your living space unsafe and in need of costly repairs. If that’s not bad enough, termites can also encourage mold growth as they produce moisture when devouring wood. They multiply in the blink of an eye and are notoriously hard to detect, often causing significant damage before you even realize they were ever there.

Now if you’re hearing this and you’ve also seen termites squatting in your house like they own the place, you may be tempted to grab a trusty can of bug spray. But before you do, call a professional exterminator for an inspection of the infestation and a recommendation on the best solution.

Organic extermination can be just as effective as fumigation for lighter termite infestations. A solution of orange oil is one of the most popular environmentally friendly and organic treatments that kill termites without the invasive effects of tent fumigation. While chemical fumigation may be necessary for a severe termite infestation, I highly suggest looking into an organic termite specialist first and exploring the possibility of spot treating.

With the knowledge and experience that professional exterminators have, you can safely bet that your unwanted guests will get lost and stay out for good. My pals at Natural Science Exterminating employ organic treatments to deal with termites, using orange oil to give them the boot and a borate salt solution to keep them out. They’re even licensed to install TAP insulation, which is infused with borate that not only exterminates termites but also serves as an effective thermal and acoustic insulator.

When I made the call to Natural Science Exterminating, they arrived within 24 hours and conducted an inspection free of charge! Over a few days, they successfully exterminated the termites and even offered semi-annual or annual maintenance to keep them out for good.

As lucky as I am to have had natural exterminators put an end to my termite hell week, these memories serve as a warning to all property owners that termites are not to be underestimated. They’re sneaky, stubborn, and destructive, making them extremely hazardous and costly if left unaddressed. My advice is to get ahead of the damage they can cause—call an exterminator as soon as you realize you have an infestation, and consider if organic extermination may be something you’re interested in. For me, not only did it work pretty well as I haven’t had any unexpected guests since, but I ended up getting some new insulation out of the ordeal as well. 

May your homes be termite-free. Rock on!

If you’re dealing with a termite infestation or suspect that you have a termite infestation, contact Natural Science Exterminating for a free inspection.

Natural Science Exterminating
11642 Knott Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92841

Cannabis Security At A Distance

Cannabis Security At A Distance

I recently spent some time relaxing in the best way possible: in the backyard with the warm weather and a wonderfully crafted joint. While doing so I started to reminisce about the days when a joint wasn’t something you’d smoke out in the full view of neighbors, even if some were doing the same. Once upon a time (and still the case outside of California) weed was smoked away from prying eyes, out of some cheap bong, and grown by a mystery man. It’s crazy to think about how we got to this point, and even crazier to think about what it takes to stay in the legal pot business. So with that, let’s zoom out and look into the rich history of cannabis in California from the distance of hindsight.

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that for as long as anyone can remember, the culture of the Golden State and cannabis is a relationship that goes way back. The vegetable of good vibes has been here forever, but cannabis use and the push for its legalization saw its peak in the 1960s. Enjoyed for therapeutic uses, spiritual journeys, or pure relaxation, cannabis was the soundtrack to the laid-back Californian lifestyle. But, as the 20th century unfurled its uncertainties, concerns about cannabis use grew. Yet still, enthusiasts of cannabis bonded and became their counterculture of non-conformity, freedom, and creative expression. Despite the odds, recreational cannabis was eventually legalized in California, a trailblazer of the industry we know today, where legal pot is a reality.

But the legalization of marijuana in certain states doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing and clear skies. To keep the cannabis business grooving means that we have to play things by the book. From cultivation to distribution, the state has laid down the law to ensure that industry players have safety as their number one priority. In this era of strict regulations and high product demand, companies like Cannabis Security Solutions have become indispensable, with solutions like remote guarding to ensure the safety of your people, product, and business. Remote guarding combines security personnel with artificial intelligence cameras to enhance safety and significantly lower the costs of monitoring. Prevent theft, trespassing, break-ins, and access control issues with features like digital line barriers, intrusion alerts, voice-down live communication, and 24/7 recording. 

Now, some of you may be wondering if the long road to marijuana legalization has been worth it, at least in the sunny state. Take it from someone who’s lived it. It’s a night and day experience when you not only feel safe to smoke within the eyesight of strangers and even police, but it’s also a huge relief to know that the herb you’re about to consume into your body is something grown, harvested, and packaged by a competent and regulated dealer instead of something that was illicitly grown (and potentially laced!). The quality control, safety standards, and transparency enforced by legal requirements allow for the peace of mind every cannabis enthusiast deserves.

So, here we are. Smoking, chilling, and vibing with legal pot! California has come a long way, and it’s been a wild story that’s still being written. From a secretive movement of counterculture to a well-regulated industry, the evolution of marijuana has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. 

If you run a cannabis business, whether in growing or retailing, then I can wholeheartedly recommend Cannabis Security Solutions to help you navigate cannabis laws and safety compliance standards, securing your business and organization with custom security management plans.

Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions