Who Helps Your Recover Your Unconscious Losses?

Yo! My friends. I hope you all are doing absolutely amazing today. I am living a golden life and rocking on. I had to get down to my keyboard and share this story with you all, because it rocked my brain with some righteous memories and it simply wouldn’t be right to keep them all to myself.

So, the other night I was with a couple of the guys that I used to jam with. This was way back in the day, before the lights and fame that comes with superstardom, ya know? This was when music was a little more pure. When it was easier to just focus on the craft. So I was with my old buddies and we had an amazing time, busted out the guitars and drums, a few brewskies, and got to playing for hours. Naturally, as we were all chillin we started sharing stories of old times and my buddy reminded me of something I had totally forgotten…mostly because I legitimately don’t have a memory of it.

I was probably nineteen years old. My buddies and I, the original crew, were playing small shows in some local venues at the time. We were at this one club and had a killer show. The house was packed. The babes were smoking. And our music was righteous. We didn’t wrap up our set until about two in the morning. We were exhausted and happy and living the life. We didn’t have roadies or anything at the time so we had to pack up all our own equipment.

Now it’s late at night and I’m carrying some of the equipment out to our van behind the club. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, two guys come up and start hustling me. One of them hit me in the back of the head and knocked me out. The other guys were still inside at this point. When they came out, they saw me lying on the ground and all of the equipment was gone. When I woke up, I was in the hospital and my buddies were all sitting around the room.

I didn’t have any recollection of what had happened, but luckily, the club had a camera monitoring the back alleyway and it caught the whole thing. The two guys had hit me and then taken all of our equipment. The camera caught their faces though. A buddy of mine in Orange County had a personal injury attorney who we were able to connect with. We showed him the footage and he was able to put together a case for me and our band. Not only did he work with the police and they were able to track down all of our stuff, but he also was able get all of my medical bills taken care of.

This guy was amazing and I learned two valuable lessons that night. First, don’t go into dark alleyways by yourself late at night. And second, always have a good attorney who has your back. We would have been lost without that guy.

Alright my beautiful people, that’s the story for today. I’ll catch ya next time.

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