The Shortcut
As a city boy growing up, I never had a lot of opportunities to learn how to grow much of anything. My mother enjoyed her little window planter boxes and filling the apartment up with low-sunlight plants, but for the most part my experience with gardening was looking at the landscapers work at the park as I walked past on my way to or from school.
This trend continued well into adulthood – when we first started touring, I basically lived out of our van or, occasionally when we could afford to splurge a little, a hotel. At that point, my experience with gardening was limited to watching rows upon rows of corn flying past the widow as we drove yet again through the Midwest.

It wasn’t until I was well into my 30’s that I was actually able to afford property. With the usual gusto I put into things, I bought a nice ride-mower so I could get the full experience of weekly lawn care as a productive member of society and my community.
Safe to say, that energy lasted about three months until I was absolutely sick of it. It started off with the random patches of grass that died off and just absolutely refused to come back to life no matter what I or my nice neighbors did to coax it back to the land of the living. After that came the gophers and the little rodent massacre I perpetrated on my own property, which still gives me nightmares.

Problems kept on popping up, and soon my mind became consumed with how to get my lawn back into perfect working order. My (now) ex-wife became concerned as I didn’t pick up an instrument for weeks at a time, instead working outside with a little planter’s shovel plucking out weeds.
Within 3 months, I was burnt out. I couldn’t look at the grass without feeling sick, sickened at my own failure and sickened at the grass for conspiring against me. We began paying for a landscaper to come, but by then it was too late to save my appreciation for a well-manicured lawn.
As the years wore on, I must have spent tens of thousands of dollars on keeping that damn grass alive, with the various treatments and number of landscapers I’ve had working on my various properties. If someone had told me sooner that there were viable alternatives to natural turf, I would have switched in a second.
Luckily for me and all my future endeavors, I discovered that the artificial stuff has been getting some very major upgrades since my childhood getting rubber burns on the football field. Synthetic turf gives you the beautiful vibrant green of a natural grass yard, but takes only a fraction of the time, effort, and money you’d use keeping that stupid living carpet alive.
If you’re in southern California and looking to get rid of the lawn like I was, give NoMow Turf a call. They hooked me up with some very excellent turf installations, and they can do the same for you.
NoMow Turf
26674 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630

The Battle Between Synthetic Grass and Natural Grass
Hey everyone, I hope you’re doing great! Many of you might know that I have had many issues with my house—well, I guess I should say that my rock and roll lifestyle has caused many issues. It sure goes through a lot of wear thanks to my chaotic nights, jam sessions, and backyard performances with my band. But as you know, every now and then I opt for a more tame lifestyle. I have had synthetic grass installed, and so I have some information to share about the benefits of choosing it over natural grass. I hope you find this helpful.
Different home trends are on the rise these days. Most of these trends are decorative in nature, whether to the home’s exterior or interior. However, one of these is in the places least expected. Specifically, synthetic grass is an up-and-coming home improvement installation that can boost curb appeal for most commercial and residential properties. That said, this might raise the question of how it compares to real grass.
Any homeowner should understand why artificial grass is better than real grass, especially if they reside in dry regions and overspend on professional care and chemicals for their lawn’s regular maintenance.
Artificial turf does not need any intensive upkeep. Unlike natural grass, It does not require pesticides, fertilizer, or mowing. One doesn’t even need to water synthetic lawns on a regular basis, as one would for grass. The only maintenance these synthetic turf needs are a timely wash and sweep. The upkeep is relatively minimal; once you install it, you can forget about the hassle of lawn care!
People might be a bit doubtful about this one. How can artificial turf be safe? Artificial grass is made from quality synthetic fibers, hazard-free and safe for pets and kids.
Meanwhile, real grass can be an allergen, and it may require chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides for lawn care. In this way, natural grass may even be riskier than artificial grass.
Artificial grass is both pet-friendly and child-friendly. Those with grass or pollen allergies can safely play on this turf without irritation. Dogs also love artificial grass texture, not to mention that the material makes waste cleanup simple for pet owners.
Weather Conditions
The synthetic lawn is resilient to any seasonal changes in weather. While natural grass is susceptible to nutrient loss, artificial grass will stay green and beautiful throughout the entire year. It does not need any chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides to be sustained. Homeowners do not need to mow or weed it. Meanwhile, when it comes to natural grass, this is required and can be time consuming and expensive.

If you are looking to transform your law with artificial grass, the installation is best left to the professionals. For quality turf that looks as seamless and real as possible, hire the best company in your area.
Read Dennis Z.‘s review of NoMow Turf on YelpCost
Nothing is worse than getting the water bill monthly and realizing that half of it went to the lawn. Fortunately, an artificial lawn needs far less watering to maintain; this ensures savings on the water bill all year long, allowing homeowners to spend their money on more essential areas of their life Artificial grass requires little to no pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; it is low maintenance, as it does not attract weeds or pests.
A Better Lawn to Party On
I don’t mean to brag, but I throw the best parties. My daughter keeps telling me that I’m trying to relive the old glory days and feel young again, but I tell her that I’m just young soul trapped in an old body who can never have too much fun!
I can always count on my best friends to turn on the good times and tear it up. Unfortunately, they also tear up my lawn. Every time we’re finished partying, it looks like a storm passed through and ripped the ground up from underneath! What a nightmare. I have to pay someone to come in every time and fix my lawn after every party because of how bad it looks. It’s been a massive chore to deal with and I’m starting to dread waking up in the morning after to see the damage. It isn’t pretty.
My daughter keeps telling me to stop drinking, dancing, and stomping around with friends at our house, but we all know that I’m not slowing down any time soon. Especially not when I throw the best parties in town – even the paparazzi take note!
I figured that if I wasn’t going to be taking my parties down a notch, that I’d have to take my grass up a notch. Sounds weird, I know. What I mean by that is I needed tougher grass. That’s basically what an artificial lawn is; the look and feel of grass, but tougher and more durable.
I started thinking about how great my life would be if I could preserve the beauty of my backyard with artificial turf. But I still wasn’t entirely sure about it after thinking about it. I had a hard time figuring out if the artificial grass would even look good. After all, I didn’t spend all the time and money on a gorgeous backyard patio and hood just to ruin the scenery with some ugly looking grass!
I pulled out my laptop and typed into Google: artificial grass installation Orange County. I came across NoMow Turf. “Interesting!” I thought to myself. The company name made a good point I hadn’t even thought about before. Artificial turf isn’t just longer lasting, it also doesn’t require time and money to be mowed!
Anyways, right away I see photos on their site. I’m thinking “This is cool. This looks pretty good.” Then I’m thinking “This is pretty impressive.”
I called them and ask for a quote. They were very professional at answering my questions and setting up an appointment.
Once the new lawn was installed, I couldn’t believe how amazing it looked! Even my daughter said, “Dad, you made the right choice. This was a good call.”
The very next weekend we had the gang over to tear it up again. However, this time they didn’t tear up my lawn! For the first time in many parties, my backyard didn’t look like the aftermath of a disaster. Boy, was I relieved! Also, the backyard looks better than ever.
If you’re tired of your beat up old lawn, give NoMow Turf a call and see what they can do for you.
NoMow Turf
26774 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA
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