Home Office to Rock Set

Home Office to Rock Set

Don’t get me wrong. Retirement is pretty great. Enjoying the other sides of life and putting the focus on relaxation and family has been stellar. I’ve certainly been enjoying it. However, I got to talking with the old band about an original song we wrote back in the day. We always thought it was great, but it never quite fit into any of our previous albums or the times. So, it just kind of got swept to the side.

Now that it was brought up again, we all decided that we needed to record it and shoot a killer music video before one of us kicked the bucket. Almost all of the video would feature us singing in an office building and destroying the place. I’m sure you can imagine the content already.

Well, back in the day we had to search for office furniture for our managers and stuff when we were on tour and for our studio. We worked with this great company, Creative Office Design, who evaluated our space and designed the perfect studio with furniture that fit our exact needs in a cool way. It looked so good, we even would have photoshoots in the corner. It was a great place for creative minds. At the time, we were using brand new stuff. However, for the purposes of this video it didn’t make sense to destroy brand new furniture. It also didn’t make sense to spend the money it would cost for that shiny new furniture.

I spent a little extra time on their website, and this ol’ rockstar figured out that Creative Office Design had an office in Los Angeles and used cubicles and other furniture we could use as well! Looks like they are coming in clutch again. So, I gave them a call and they headed over the next day. 

Creative Office Design evaluated our set, and had some great ideas and suggestions for the used cubicles to use in the video. They even found some extra pieces on hand that they thought would really give the music video the aesthetic that the band was looking for. It looked so real, and it was going to look so crazy when we destroyed it.

That first day of shooting, I felt almost guilty when I took a baseball bat to the top of a cubicle. It was genuinely great furniture. But, it wasn’t long before me and the mates really got into it. A highlight of the video was when the Billy, our drummer, used his drumsticks on a glass conference table before throwing a chair into it, shattering the whole thing. Epic. The whole song and production process was a throwback of nostalgia and a throwback of fun. 

Once it was over though, my daughter made sure to remind me that I was not allowed to completely go back to the old ways. No more late-night partying. So, me and the boys released the throwback single. It ended up being a huge success. I guess we hit the perfect timing of being old enough to be cool again.

And I still got a little rockstar left in me. I snuck home a chair and desk I knew would look great in my home office.

If you need great office furniture, make sure to check out:

Creative Office Design 

5230 Pacific Concourse Dr Suite 105, Los Angeles, CA 90045

(714) 328-7627

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