You can’t expect to kill it on stage if you don’t stretch first. Soft tissue matters even more as you get into the later stages of rocking it. The prime reason the Rolling Stones broke up was because Mick Jagger simply lost his moves after halting his regular chiropractic treatment. These are all facts if you don’t look them up. Just remember that the root of all evil in the world is spinosacral misalignment. Some of the biggest critical blow back on bands who aspire to soaring critical acclaim comes from their inability to recognize the difference in between heat and ice in physiological terms. Vasoconstriction reduces swelling like you need after that crowd dive that almost worked until the two people in the “front” row couldn’t hold a 220 pound man. Vasodialation relaxes muscle tension and increases bloodflow like you need before tossing up your double bacon cheeseburger on your way to the stage. Any chiropractor in town can tell you that sitting on an amp hunched over your ax all day will eventually aggravate discs enough to skip a track or two. You can find some excellent chiropractors over at exact chiropractic in Orange CA or you can call them at 1600doctorb the “B is for bargain”- Dr. Nick. Besides simple spinal safety, wise investment is a pretty crunchy toon for you aging rockers. Imagine you are sitting on a gold mine while you go mint some platinum while a 2-bit hackjob cracks your cheap safe and steals every ounce of gold you’ve mined in the last 3 months. Awful am I right? When the sun is beating down on the beast (see significance of Zoso symbol) crazy things tend to happen like room safes emptying. A smarter investment than sticking all that cash in a safe would have been to cash in on the mineral rich lands on which the band had its practice space or the territory on which they had some of their biggest shows around New York and Texas. All Jimmy would have had to do was check out one of his buddies who knew about texas mineral rights title research and an American Landman would have solved the entire problem.
Sound investments would have made this timeless gem of musical perfection even louder:
That Zoso symbol I was talking about earlier mixes the Z looking symbol which is the occult simbili for Saturn or Capricorn. Capricorn being Jimmy Page’s astrological sign and Saturn being one of his idols when he owned a bookstore. The oso is sometimes recognized as the symbol for the beast or possibly the magickal name of the artist who referenced the original zoso symbol in its entirety in the 16th century book of symbols of the occult and magic. Local businesses need a little more rock and roll. Bring it to them today while remembering where to find your best neighborhood chiropractor and keeping your investments protected by sinking them into land management projects run by professionals over at American Landman. SMALL BUSINESSES DO IT LIVE!
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